Sistem informasi penjualan berbasis desktop
Sistem informasi penjualan berbasis desktop

sistem informasi penjualan berbasis desktop

Rice-Crop Doctor  AGREXFarm Advisory SystemComputer Assisted Agriculture through Distributed Knowledge Based Expert SystemExpert Systems for Cotton Crop ManagementCALEXVARIEXLEY Expert SystemsGIS Expert Systems by Naiqian ZhangCLIPS Expert SystemDSS4Ag.They are designed to boost the group’s productivity. They are designed to boost an individual’s productivity.Work group information systems are those designed to meet the needs of a work group. Office automation systemssupport the wide range of business office activities that provide for improved work flow and communications between workers, regardless of whether or not those workers are located in the same office.Personal information systems are those designed to meet the needs of a single user. The data warehouse can then be accessed by end-users and managers with DSS tools that generate a virtually limitless variety of information in support of unstructured decisions.Expert systemsa programmed decision-making information system that captures and reproduces the knowledge and expertise of an expert problem solver or decision maker and then simulates the “thinking” or “actions” of that expert.Expert systems are implemented with artificial intelligence technology that captures, stores, and provides access to the reasoning of the experts. When applied to executive managers, these systems are sometimes called executive information systems (EIS).A data warehouse is a read-only, informational database that is populated with detailed, summary, and exception data and information generated by other transaction and management information systems. These reports are usually generated on a predetermined schedule and appear in a prearranged format.Decision support systemsinformation system application that provides its users with decision-oriented information whenever a decision-making situation arises. Transaction processing systemsinformation system applications that capture and process data about business transactions.Includes data maintenance, which provides for custodial updates to stored data.Business process redesign (BPR) is the study, analysis, and redesign of fundamental business (transaction) processes to reduce costs and/or improve value added to the business.Management information systemsinformation system application that provides for management-oriented reporting.MeningkatkanproduktivitaspersonelOnline Transaction ProcessingTransaction Processing SystemCostumer Integrated SystemMeningkatkanpengambilankeputusanOnline Analytical ProcessingArtificial IntelligenceExecutive Information SystemMemperbaikikolaborasitimMengreasikankemitraandanaliansibisnisInterorganizational System Mencapaiglobalisasi enable global reachMemfasilitasitransformasiorganisasi.Mengingat yang lalumenyimpan data historisebagairekamanapa yang terjadidanuntukmemfasilitasibeberapaanalisisMengatasikeadaansaatinimerekamberbagaitransaksidanotomasiberbagaiprosestransaksiMenyiapakanuntukkedepanmenyediakaninformasiuntukmemfasilitasiberbagaiprosespengambilankeputusandanperencanaan.System means a grouping of parts that operate together for a common purpose.

Sistem informasi penjualan berbasis desktop