What is icap
What is icap

what is icap

what is icap

These include the State Department, the US Agency for International Development, the US Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service and its Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, the US African Development Foundation, the US International Trade Commission, the US Department of Labor’s International Labor Affairs Bureau, the US Navy, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Gates Foundation, Amnesty International USA and the Aspen Institute.

what is icap

It is funded by donations from generous alumni, senior mentors and friends of the program as well as by government agencies and nonprofits that sponsor individual Fellows.

What is icap professional#

Is a professional development and leadership program for highly promising mid-career professionals in international affairs in the United States, sponsored by the Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver and by the Aspen Institute. THE INTERNATIONAL CAREER ADVANCEMENT PROGRAM (ICAP) About ICAP (International Career Advancement Program)

What is icap